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福建兴化湾围填海湿地景观生态影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于遥感与GIS技术,运用景观生态学的原理与方法,选取景观特征指数,通过历史回顾和类比分析,从景观自然性和景观破碎化两个方面,分析了兴化湾围填海工程对湿地景观生态造成的影响及其生态效应.历史上兴化湾围填海工程造成滩涂湿地景观萎缩、景观自然性急剧下降,斑块面积缩小、斑块隔离程度增大、景观破碎化程度加剧;兴化湾围填海规划的实施,将使得兴化湾湿地景观生态人工化与破碎化的趋势进一步加剧,其最终后果将可能导致兴化湾生物多样性下降、生态服务功能严重衰退.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns of free-living marine nematodes were studied in Cienfuegos Bay, a tropical semi-enclosed basin in the Caribbean Sea. Taxonomic (to species level) and functional (biological trait) approaches were applied for describing the assemblage structure and relating it to abiotic environment based on a sampling scheme in six subtidal stations and three months. Biological trait approach added relevant information to species pattern regarding relationships between diversity patterns and the abiotic environment. The most common morphotypes were deposit feeding nematodes, with colonising abilities of 2–3 (in a scale from 1 to 5), tail conical cylindrical or filiforme and body slender; and their abundance were correlated with depth, organic matter and silt/clay fraction. In spite of a high turnover of species, functional diversity of assemblages did not change notably in space and time. A result probably due to sampling of the habitat pool of species and to low heterogeneity of the studied muddy bottoms. Chemical pollution (organic enrichment and heavy metals) and hydrodynamic regime possibly drove the biodiversity patterns. Spatial distribution of assemblages support the existence of two well differentiated basins inside the bay, the northern basin more polluted than the southern one. The low hydrodynamic regime would determine a poor dispersion of nematodes resulting in high spatial variance in the assemblage structure; and also the associated hypoxic conditions and pollutants in sediments can explain the dominance of tolerant nematode species such as Daptonema oxycerca, Sabatieria pulchra, Terschellingia gourbaultae, and Terschellingia longicaudata. A comparison of spatial–temporal patterns of biodiversity between Cienfuegos Bay and other semi-enclosed bays in temperate regions suggests several similarities: nematode assemblages are strongly influenced by anthropogenic disturbance, temporal trends are weak or overridden by spatial ones, and few cosmopolitan genera/species tolerant to pollution and hypoxic conditions are dominant.  相似文献   
This study investigates whether there has been a decline in fish stocks of a coral reef in Thailand, and if so, whether that decline is due to small-scale fishing. The research methods used included fish sampling by UVC, interviews and questionnaires with key informants and artisanal fishers. The results confirmed that there has been a decline in piscivores and carnivores (though not herbivores), and the main perceived threat came not from artisanal but from commercial fishing. Recommendations are to replace the largely unrestricted fishery with a more regulated regime backed by effective enforcement.  相似文献   
Whilst the fauna inhabiting hydrothermal vent structures in the Atlantic Ocean is reasonably well known, less is understood about the spatial distributions of the fauna in relation to abiotic and biotic factors. In this study, a major active hydrothermal edifice (Eiffel Tower, at 1690 m depth) on the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR)) was investigated. Video transects were carried out by ROV Victor 6000 and complete image coverage was acquired. Four distinct assemblages, ranging from dense larger-sized Bathymodiolus mussel beds to smaller-sized mussel clumps and alvinocaridid shrimps, and two types of substrata were defined based on high definition photographs and video imagery. To evaluate spatial variation, faunal distribution was mapped in three dimensions. A high degree of patchiness characterizes this 11 m high sulfide structure. The differences observed in assemblage and substratum distribution were related to habitat characteristics (fluid exits, depth and structure orientation). Gradients in community structure were observed, which coincided with an increasing distance from the fluid exits. A biological zonation model for the Eiffel Tower edifice was created in which faunal composition and distribution can be visually explained by the presence/absence of fluid exits.  相似文献   
水生动物热休克蛋白研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
由于栖息环境的特殊性,水生动物热休克蛋白的诱导及其生态意义具有不同于陆生动物的特性.本文总结了近年来水生动物热休克蛋白方面的研究进展,介绍热休克蛋白的调节机制及其功能,归纳水生动物热休克蛋白对温度、环境污染和其他因子的反应,着重分析热休克蛋白表达在水生动物中热耐受性和交叉保护中的作用,及其对水生动物分布和适合度的影响.  相似文献   
远洋渔船动态监控系统研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对远洋渔业生产中的渔船监控问题,以卫星通讯、GIS、GPS、数据库等技术手段为支撑,进行了远洋渔船GPS动态监控系统的研究和开发工作。本文在介绍了系统总体框架的基础上,系统阐述了通讯文件的解包和数据质量的控制过程,并对渔船的动态监视和轨迹分析功能进行了论述。  相似文献   
根分泌的化感物质及其对土壤生物产生的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
植物根系分泌物包含多种功能次生物质,其中化感物质是具有重要生理生化功能的一类物质,这些化感物质释放到根际,能够对土壤生物产生影响。现已发现,根系是化感物质进入环境的重要通道。因此,研究根分泌的化感物质具有重要的理论和实践意义。总结了根分泌化感物质的种类及其化感效应,论述了化感物质在土壤中的迁移、转化及影响因素,分析了生物和非生物因素与根系分泌化感物质之间的关系。此外,根系分泌化感物质的研究手段对于所取得的研究结果至关重要,其中根分泌物收集系统(CRETS)是收集根分泌化感物质的常用而且可行的方法之一。对于根分泌化感物质的分离鉴定技术有多种,可根据需要选择适宜的分离方法。还重点列举了一些作物根分泌的化感物质对土壤生物产生的直接和间接影响,阐明了根分泌的化感物质在土壤中所起的重要化感作用。根分泌物化感作用的研究已成为土壤生态学领域的热点与前沿课题,自然条件下原位收集鉴定植物根系分泌物中的化感物质等诸多问题是该领域今后的研究重点。  相似文献   
额济纳绿洲近20年来土地覆被变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土地利用/土地覆被变化研究是近年来全球环境变化研究的焦点之一。根据黑河下游额济纳绿洲土地生态分类,利用1982年与2000年2期TM遥感数据对比和野外实地调查,采用景观生态空间分布格局分析方法,分为河岸乔木林、河岸灌草林、荒漠稀疏灌丛、荒漠稀疏草地、河道与水域、盐碱化土地、城镇、戈壁、流动沙丘和剥蚀地山丘陵, 从各类土地分布面积变化和类型转移趋向与幅度两个方面,分析了额济纳绿洲20年来土地覆被变化。结果表明:①土地覆被类型结构发生了较大变化,河岸乔木林面积萎缩了0.97%、斑块数减小了376,而河岸灌草林增加了0.92%,数量减小1 316;而%LAND指数荒漠稀疏灌丛由4.49%增加到5.65%,由于中游来水量的锐减,河道和水域的斑块数由40个减少到6个,%LAND指数减小了0.15%。与此同时流动沙丘%LAND指数增加了0.42%。②近20年来以胡杨为主的河岸乔木林和荒漠稀疏草地减小了45.02%和14.55%,相应地以柽柳为主的河岸稀疏灌草地和荒漠稀疏灌丛增加了35.03%和25.88%;河岸乔灌林向河岸灌草林景观转移概率为45.95%,向荒漠稀疏灌丛和稀疏草地转移了0.78%和3.01%,向戈壁转移了10.87%;河岸灌草林景观类型向河岸乔灌林转移8.06%,向稀疏灌丛和稀疏草地转移10.95%和19.64%,向戈壁转移11.88%;③额济纳绿洲具有从河岸乔木→河岸灌草地→荒漠稀疏灌丛快速演化的趋势。  相似文献   
王鹏飞 《地理研究》2005,24(3):453-463
运用政治生态学(politicalecology)的基本观点,以北京市农村地区为对象,在对平原、丘陵、山区4个不同类型村庄多年实地调查基础上,分析了在政治体制改革、市场经济影响下北京郊区农村的组织形态、产业结构、土地利用、耕地质量、生态环境的变化过程。研究揭示,1979以来北京农村政治改革与生态环境的关系与其他的农村地区不同,国家与地方政府的政策变化使北京农村生态环境在不同时期呈现出恶化-改善的波动性过程;根据长期研究,政体改革、政策变化在总体上起到了抑制生态恶化、改善农村环境的作用。  相似文献   
区域产业布局优化及理论依据分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前关于产业布局的理论多强调其经济效益,在一定程度上忽视了环境效益和社会效益。从经济、社会与环境协调发展的角度对产业布局优化的内涵进行阐释,并论述实现区域产业布局优化的经济学、环境学及生态学理论依据。  相似文献   
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